Sunday 20 July 2008

2 weeks

So - Did you miss me?

I just had a message on Nite Flirt.... it was a message from one of you little fags... yeah you know that I'm talking about YOU don't ya? HAHA

For those of you you have kept an eye on my blog - you'll know who I mean, if I tell you that its one particular individual who has a particular penchant for being tickled - he LOVES it - or does he HATE it....? I can't quite remember - LOL - Either way, he left me a message... 'cos I think he's getting a bit desperate .... would I be right? HAHA! EXACTLY right I expect....

But - "Why desperate?" I hear you ask... because - as you'll note from my blog entries - I've been away for a couple of weeks... Well? What do you expect? - I need to do *something* with all the fag-cash I've been collecting from all of you - HAHA! .... but why is our friend desperate? Well - imagine two weeks without a single orgasm... that would make ANYONE desperate! Two *days* and I start to get antsy.... (come to think of it...more than a day and my cock and balls are stirring as if to say - "Hey - buddy - are we gonna get to work or what?!" - not to mention having a permanent hard-on LOL)

So - I took myself off to Italy - and MAN was that the right thing to do! The weather is so HOT - the chics SO pretty... and as for their attitude over there - well - THAT suits me down to the ground - to sum up - it was a VERY relaxing and.... "rewarding" holiday :-) ... You know - I think its our responsibility as good human beings to spread love wherever we go - so I spread some in Italy - HEHE! :-)

BUT - enough of this chatter - I have to put a big shout out to my Cutie-Pie Kitten.... she is despicably, deliciously, OUTRAGEOUSLY fun to play with - on account of the fact that this crazy bitch REALLY knows how to submit....100% submit... and I love it when people I'm playing with "get" that they can't shock me - and "get" that whilst I respect hard limits... I *AM* truly dominant - and so - soft limits....? Well - they are *there* to be tested aren't they? LOL - that's when the adrenaline kicks in... That's when we're seeing how far we can push ourselves? When you're heart is pounding hard, when you feel tingly all over.... when you can almost FEEL the other person's breath against your skin even though you're *only* talking on the phone.... Mmmmm THAT'S when it gets really goooooood!

So you want to play? Call me - and let me flick your switch and send you into a headlong rush!

Wednesday 2 July 2008


You've heard the expression "work hard and play hard" - well - that's *exactly* what I've been doing... and not nearly enough time to dominate my little phone sex slaves at all! The working part brings in the $$$s but then the playing part MORE than compensates for it - slutsworm knows what I mean - don't you you pathetic little fuck - he knows his role in life is to provide me with everything I need HAHA - what a good little cuckhold he is.

I have some news - in addition to my new confession line which has so far had NO confessions at all (whats wrong fags? To scared to use it now that you've got what you asked for? Well - should I expect anything less... not unless I'm actually there to whip you into shape I guess - LOL) ... I have also now got a webcam courtesy of an anonymous donor (who will have unrestricted access to my broadcast 24/7 for a whole week as a reward for buying me such a useful present).

So, in the next few days I will be setting up a live master's webcam listing. You unworthy little fucks will have the privilege of looking at my feet LIVE - I totally spoil you - you wanna see more? Well you gotta PAY big if you think that THIS straight master is just gonna let you gaze into his eyes ...or anything else for that matter HAHA! So now anything you IMAGINED... anything we TALKED about.... well, now you MIGHT be able to SEE it LIVE... can you imagine that? - you pathetic little fuck... and the best of it - is that if you've got a cam too - I can watch you grovelling and debasing yourself just the way you ought to while you look at my feet.... HAHA - now THAT is something I am surely looking forwards to! I can hardly wait - I wonder who will be the first to volunteer as my little toy?

As you probably gathered - I am STILL working - so until you little fucks start coughing up some REAL dough you'll have to share me with my other cash earning enterprises... still - be sure that I am still holding you to account - and fully expect you to be doing EXACTLY as you've been told - even if it has been a few days since we last spoke (StudRuler - this means you - haha - is it getting a little...uncomfortable yet?! LMAO) - you'd better be looking out for when I'm online next - or you might just explode - HAHAHA!

All of you little queers be good now - keep a lookout for when I'm on and see if you can catch me.
Call me soon.

You REALLY think you're worthy? try me:

See all my lisiting at: Englishman
Phone Number: 1-800-TO-FLIRT, ext: 02659740 OR: