Monday, 1 November 2010

As The Dark Nights Draw In

Hello girls and boys, I can't believe that its been nearly 2 months since my last post - well its testament to what a busy fellow I am. it seem that the demands from all you phonesex perverts for a REAL-MAN to dominate you are almost never ending! HAHA!

interestingly, it looks as though the dark nights have brought out a fleet of little cuckolds to my doorstep...and all of you little cuckies are to be to put fimrly in your place! I guess I would have to say that it started a with my new servant "mark", he recognises that his role is to prepare his wife for whatever SHE choses to do, regardless of whether that means keeping faithful to him or not! LOL! Good news for me I think you'll agree, but I don't like my girls to look TOO slutty when we first go sadly mark fucked it up - he got his punishment though, and his wife got what she deserved to... HAHA!

I love playing the role of cuckold-bull, satisfying those woman that all you pathetic losers would have NO chance to satisfy in any way shape or form. Number two on the cuckies losers list was Glen, or Glenda as he was renamed by his girlfriend and full time mistress, Katy. Now HE is a funny one. He (like so many of you pathetic little wretches, only had a teeny tiny little 4" cock, and by all accounts it only ever gets to its full magnificent 4" length when he is *terribly* excited... which according to Katy, usually results in his little weener getting all wet and dribbly from pre-cum, so much so that she calls it a "diclit" (dick-clit - get it?) and he tells me that when he's been VERY good and done a nice job of cleaning up Katy's cream-pie pussy once she's been serviced by a REAL-MAN like me, that he's allowed to rub it like an engorged clit and make himself about 30 seconds flat!!! HAHA!! What a loser.

Perhaps the best though is "greg", this guy is really special...LOL... he has a hot girlfriend (and guys...I mean HOT - gorgeous body, pretty face, a real cutey) and he managed to get her despite* the fact that he is a total wimp - pretty special I think you'll agree. The REALLY ironical part though is that I KNOW his girlfriend - and I KNOW him!! HAHA! I met them a while back at a judo tournament where I totally kicked his skinny ass in front of EVERYONE ...and his girlfriend was so turned on by watching me manhandling her weak little boyfriend, stuffing his face into my chest and crushing his head between my big-biceps and firm-forearms that when she saw me on NF she recognised me instantly as "that guy" who kicked greg's ass and she just had to get in touch.... How cool is that? But wait - you don't know the best of it... *because* greg is SUCH a loser, and deep down he *knows* that his girlfriend is WAY too good for him, he has to endure ringing me up and reliving the entire judo match from beginning to end...right up to the part where he starts crying (CRYING!!!) because I dominated him so thoroughly! HAHAHA! Have you ever heard anything so pathetic? The guy is totally weak in EVERY way you can imagine...and I honestly think that he knows that, which is why he lets his girlfriend get her sexual kicks from REAL-MEN like me! Yep, that's right, his girlfriend won't fuck him until she gotten all nice and hot and wet from the thought of me making her wimpy little boyfriend cry... i wonder who she's thinking about when she does eventually fuck him! HAHA!

So... Dark nights...cuckold fantasies...if you are looking for a REAL-MAN to service your wife...well you know what to do... and as for all you faggots... it looks like you'll have to get in the cue and try harder to grab some of my attention next month! CALL ME.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meow! Cuck season is indeed in full swing...Kitty has, herself, been entertaining many BBCs and blackmailing boys, forcing them into cuckoldry for HER amusement.

Still missing you Englishman,

Kitty (purrrr)

You REALLY think you're worthy? try me:

See all my lisiting at: Englishman
Phone Number: 1-800-TO-FLIRT, ext: 02659740 OR: