Friday, 1 August 2008

Mind-fuse recordings

If any of you little lowlifes have taken the trouble to glance at the comments that my little playmate "sex kitten", has posted below you *may* begin to form *some* idea of the power, mind control and raw erotic energy that I wield... if I choose to.

I re-named this unimaginably dirty lil' bitch "sex kitten" on account of the fact that she has about as much chance of escaping from me as a kitten from a rottweiler - and I have made my sexual satisfaction her main function in life, HAHA! We had ALOT of fun yesterday - I'm not sure that she's ready for the next step though - what do you think kitty? Let me know if you think you can handle it baby... haha!

Other than my lil' kitty - I've also had ALOT of fun tormenting Stud Ruler... it seems that he hasn't been able to connect with me for quite some time now...I don't really understand why.. I've been avaible - a little - haha!

I'm not gonna go through my biggest losers now - talking about all you mincey little fucks that entertained me recently can wait - instead I'm gonna go online and make some new recordings for those of you who *know* you aren't even worthy to speak to me directly - or who are also having trouble catching me online. I'm also going to post one specifically for any ladies who might want to listen to a sexy recording - so faggots - don't get confused - and READ the descriptions of the recordings....losers.

So - if you want to serve me, be owned by me, listen to me telling you exactly how you can please me...or if you want to tell me all about what a lowlife worthless worm you are then - Call me now... I will OWN you so completely that you will be walking in a daze for days HAHA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was missing hearing your voice so much that I listened to the recording you made. Oh my gosh Sir. That was so intense and at times very hypnotic. I was entirely blown away. You have a gift. Thank you.

Sir's is not your run-of-the-mill recording. HE knows what the hell he's doing and is very skilled. I doubt you could possibly be disspointed.

If I were you, I would request a personalized fantasy recording from HIM. You own it. You can listen to it over and over again and I am sure it would be well worth any price HE puts on it.


You REALLY think you're worthy? try me:

See all my lisiting at: Englishman
Phone Number: 1-800-TO-FLIRT, ext: 02659740 OR: